Wellington NZ, a dramatic welcome!

Wellington looking south
Originally uploaded by margoc.

I’ve made it – landed safely in Wellington New Zealand – greeted warmly with open arms at the airport by Marica and Lynsey. ….And an amazingly breathtaking sight to come flying in over the white capped water filled with jumbled piles of rock and green outcrops drizzled with a lacey mist!

The coastline as is wild as the wind buffering it. The plane flew straight over a row of weatherboard houses that stood unprotected on the end of the country, their gay colours defying the elements that beat against them.

What a dramatic welcome! I’m really struck by the drama of the place. Houses climb the hills, scrambling to get a good footing to keep their residents safe; trees and shrubs, dark green, yellow and orange, lock themselves to the hillside huddling together for support against gravity and the wind.

The wind – well, yes, I was warned about the wind, but you can tell me till you’re blue in the face, but until I’ve ‘been there’ I won’t ‘know’ it! Well, now I know! Situated learning at its best see! :o)

Wellington town reminds me of the those tight Irish streets and the colourful garb of old buildings that have stood the test of time and progress. Likewise, the residential streets are dominated by weatherboard houses, much like those in Newport Rhode Island, and are sort of built into the lie of the land, almost part of the topography itself.

The mist lingers…and lingers…a grey-white hush that pushes aside the sun and conspires with the steady wind – two constant companions for Wellington, her people and visitors!

So, I’m here – welcomed, at home and ready for a week of conversation, sharing, questions, laughter and connections!

1 comment so far

  1. Simon on

    Looks like a wonderful location for a wonderful week!

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